
Showing posts from May, 2021


In Today's blog we made these character/ twins of us, We made it the best we could, I really enjoyed this because it was awesome but I was working hard on my hand until I didnt want to do it anymore because it was taking me forever.Any questions comment them down below.

Telling My Story

Here is our Mahi for today it was learning how to code and make your own pepha i had a challenge that i took but i haven't finished it i will work on it and it will be updated soon. I'm have also learn about how to code some parts t make it better.CLICK HERE TO PLAY MY GAME... 

Anzac Peom

We did our Anzac poem because we celebrate every year. we did some research with it and had to make a poem by yourself 

How Many Cars Come Past On Childers Rd With Images And Symbols

Today we counted the cars that went past in cliders Rd To display my thinking using images and symbol. Other people will have different One than me because they did colours and i did cars. don't think that our blogs are all the same some blogs are small and some are big. We had to use Piktochart and we had to use another way of thinking.
